Prof. Amit Kumar
Assistant Professor (Head Of Department),
Electronics & Communication Engineering
7501673206 | [email protected]
M.Tech (VLSI and Embedded System), IIT Patna |
Ph.D (Microelectronics & VLSI), IIT Kanpur |
Subject Expertise
Analog Circuit |
Physics of Semiconductor |
VLSI System design |
Area Of Research
My current research broadly focuses on the Modeling and simulation of 3D NAND flash and other emerging memory devices. |
My research also includes the study of metal-semiconductor contact, photovoltaics, and novel gas sensor design and modeling |
Projects Executed
1. Single Cycle MIPS Processor Design |
2. Implementation of Han Carlson Adder and Baugh Wooley Multiplier |
3. Full custom implementation of Current Starved VCO and Phase frequency detector |
List Of Publications
1. Amit Kumar, Raushan Kumar and Shubham Sahay "Analytical Modeling of 3D NAND Flash Cell with a Gaussian Doping Profile", accepted for publication in IEEE Access, 2022. |
2. Amit Kumar, Himanshu Singh, Shubham Sahay and K. Balasubramanian, Charge Injection into Electrodeposited Cu2O From Metallic Stacks and Graphene, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022. |
3. Amit Kumar, Deepak Punetha and Saurabh Kumar Pandey,"Computational modeling and analysis of a chemical gas sensor utilizing WO3 thin film for NO2 detection" , accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Electronics, 2023. |
4. Amit Kumar and Shubham Sahay "Analytical Modeling of Threshold Voltage and Subthreshold Slope for 3D NAND Flash Memory With a Non-Uniform Doping Profile" accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 2023. |
Conference Attended (National/International)
1. Amit Kumar, and Shubham Sahay, "Analytical Modeling of Intrinsic Threshold Voltage and Subthreshold Slope for 3D NAND Flash Memory with a Gaussian Doping Profile", accepted for publication in International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM), Chiba, Japan, September 2022. |
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